Unreal Engine 3

Lost Ark

Lost Ark is an epic MMORPG offering dynamic battles and beautiful, expanded locations. To enjoy smooth gameplay and full immersion in the game world, performance optimization is key. Our application provides tools to optimize Lost Ark, which improve the FPS stability and smoothness of the game, even during intense moments of PvE and PvP battles.

How to optimize Lost Ark?
Game optimization is the key to success, especially if you want to enjoy smooth gameplay on high graphics settings. Our application provides:
  1. Optimization of the game config file – aplikacja automatycznie dostosowuje ustawienia konfiguracyjne, aby zapewnić lepszą płynność rozgrywki, wyższe FPS-y oraz stabilną wydajność, szczególnie w rozległych lokacjach i dynamicznych walkach.
  2. Automatic change in game priority – nasza aplikacja ustawia wysoki priorytet dla Lost Ark w systemie operacyjnym, co pozwala grze efektywniej wykorzystywać zasoby komputera, minimalizując opóźnienia i zapewniając płynność działania.

Why is it worth optimizing Lost Ark?

Lost Ark is a game that requires stable and smooth performance, especially during intense combat and exploration. Optimizing configuration settings and changing the game’s prioritization will allow for smoother gameplay, higher FPS and better stability, which is crucial in every mission and PvP clash.

90 FPS

Approximate frame rate without apps on mid-range hardware*

150 FPS

Approximate frame rate with app on mid-range hardware*

Download the app and optimize Lost Ark right now!

Optimize Lost Ark with our app and enjoy smoother gameplay, higher FPS and stable performance during epic adventures. Download the app now and immerse yourself in the world of Lost Ark without any disruptions!

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