Best Graphics Settings for Valorant – Maximum Smoothness

Valorant is a fast-paced game where every FPS counts. In this article, we’ll show you the optimal graphics settings to achieve maximum smoothness and gain an edge over your opponents. You’ll also learn how the SmoothWizard app can help boost FPS and improve performance.

1. Why Are Graphics Settings Important in Valorant?

Valorant is a game where quick reactions and precision are crucial. Stable FPS and low latency allow you to aim better and react faster to in-game situations. Adjusting your graphics settings to match your PC’s performance is essential for smooth gameplay.

2. Optimal Graphics Settings in Valorant

2.1 General Settings

  • Open Valorant and navigate to Settings > Video.
  • In the General tab, set the following:
    • Resolution: Match your monitor’s native resolution.
    • Display Mode: Fullscreen – provides the best performance.
    • Refresh Rate: Set it to the maximum supported by your monitor.

2.2 Advanced Graphics Settings

In the Graphics Quality tab, configure the following:

  • Anti-Aliasing: MSAA 2x or Off – reduces GPU load.
  • Anisotropic Filtering: 1x – minimizes the load on the GPU.
  • Detail Quality: Low – improves FPS.
  • Texture Quality: Low – decreases VRAM usage.
  • Effects Quality: Low – eliminates unnecessary distracting effects.
  • Shadows: Off – doesn’t impact visibility of enemies but saves resources.

3. Additional Tips for Better Performance

3.1 Update GPU Drivers

Make sure your graphics card drivers are updated to the latest version. Both NVIDIA and AMD regularly release optimizations for popular games.

3.2 Disable In-Game Overlays

Programs like Discord, Steam, or GeForce Experience can reduce FPS. Disable their overlays while playing.

3.3 Use the SmoothWizard App

SmoothWizard is a tool that automatically optimizes your computer for gaming. Its FPS-boosting features include:

  • Freezing unnecessary background processes – frees up CPU and RAM resources.
  • Prioritizing game resources – dedicates more computing power to Valorant.
  • Automatic RAM cleaning – stabilizes FPS during long gaming sessions.

4. Test Your Settings

Every PC is different, so after applying the above graphics settings, test them in-game:

  1. Launch training mode or play against bots to check FPS and game smoothness.
  2. If your FPS are unstable, tweak some settings (e.g., turn off Anti-Aliasing).
  3. Use SmoothWizard to optimize your system further and boost FPS.

5. Conclusion

Adjusting your graphics settings in Valorant is key to smooth gameplay and better chances of winning. Lowering detail quality, disabling unnecessary effects, and using the SmoothWizard app will help you achieve maximum performance. Try these tips and dominate the battlefield!


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Sprawa z Karolem niestety będzie toczyła się dłużej natomiast pamiętajcie aby nie brać nic do siebie co tacy ludzie piszą bez głębszej analizy.

Nasza aplikacja jest w pełni bezpieczna i została napisana od podstaw. Kod źródłowy jest i zawsze będzie dostępny do wglądu dla odpowiednich służb.

Pozdrawiam Skull Właściciel i założyciel SmoothWizard
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