How to Disable Unnecessary Background Processes in Windows While Gaming?

Background processes in Windows can reduce your computer’s performance while gaming. In this article, you’ll learn how to disable unnecessary processes to increase FPS and improve gameplay smoothness. Additionally, we’ll show you how SmoothWizard can automatically freeze background processes to boost performance.

1. Why Is Disabling Background Processes Important While Gaming?

When gaming, your computer needs maximum resources, such as CPU and RAM. Unnecessary background processes can:

  • Use up CPU and RAM,
  • Lower FPS in demanding games,
  • Increase system response times, negatively affecting smoothness.

Disabling unnecessary processes directs more resources to your game.

2. How to Disable Background Processes in Windows?

2.1 Use Task Manager

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
  2. Go to the Processes tab.
  3. Identify apps consuming high CPU, RAM, or GPU resources that you don’t need while gaming.
  4. Right-click on the process and select End Task.

Note: Avoid closing system processes or those related to your game to prevent system issues.

2.2 Disable Startup Applications

Some applications launch automatically when the system starts and run in the background.

  1. In Task Manager, go to the Startup tab.
  2. Disable unnecessary apps by right-clicking on them and selecting Disable.

2.3 Disable Background Services

  1. Press Win + R, type msconfig, and hit Enter.
  2. Go to the Services tab.
  3. Check Hide all Microsoft services.
  4. Disable unnecessary services by unchecking them and clicking Apply.

Note: Only disable services you are familiar with and do not need while gaming.

3. How Does SmoothWizard Simplify Process Management?

Manually managing processes can be time-consuming and complicated. That’s why the SmoothWizard app automatically optimizes your system while gaming.

SmoothWizard’s Process Freezing Feature:

  • Process Freezing: SmoothWizard temporarily “freezes” background processes that are not needed during gameplay, freeing up resources for your computer.
  • Automatic Optimization: The app analyzes running processes and disables only those unrelated to your game.
  • Improved FPS: By better utilizing CPU and RAM, games run more smoothly with stable FPS.

4. Additional Tips for Better Performance

  • Disable In-Game Overlays: Software like Steam, Discord, or NVIDIA GeForce Experience can consume resources.
  • Close Web Browsers: Open tabs in a browser can use a significant amount of RAM.
  • Invest in an SSD: A faster drive significantly improves loading times and system responsiveness.

5. Conclusion

Disabling unnecessary background processes is an effective way to improve your computer’s performance while gaming. You can do it manually using Task Manager or rely on SmoothWizard, which automatically freezes unnecessary processes to enhance FPS and smoothness. Try these solutions and enjoy maximum performance from your computer!

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Macie gwarancję że aplikacja jest w pełni bezpieczna i od podstaw była robiona przeze mnie.

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Sprawa z Karolem niestety będzie toczyła się dłużej natomiast pamiętajcie aby nie brać nic do siebie co tacy ludzie piszą bez głębszej analizy.

Nasza aplikacja jest w pełni bezpieczna i została napisana od podstaw. Kod źródłowy jest i zawsze będzie dostępny do wglądu dla odpowiednich służb.

Pozdrawiam Skull Właściciel i założyciel SmoothWizard
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